Mech Maker is not free. If you like it, please register so I have some motivation to continue with new versions. Upon registration, you will receive the following:
• Version 1.0 of Mech Maker
• The next update of Mech Maker
• A small collection of BattleTech icons that I have
• A 100 ton mech limit instead of the 30 tonnage
mech limit in the unregistered version, allowing
you to create heavier mechs
• The ability to make multiple mechs in one stack
• An empty hex map (PICT format) that you can print
out to make your own worlds
• Two mini-dice (six-sided)
• The ability to print your 'Mechs
The cost of all this is just $9 American. ($12 Canadian.) Be sure to include a SASE large enough for a 3.5" disk so I can mail you the registered version.
Please send registration to:
Shaun Krueger
921 Fairmont Ave.
Madison, WI 53714
When you register, please send any comments and any ideas you have that could improve Mech Maker.
If you have any questions regarding registration or usage of this program, please call (608) 241-1007 between the hours of 4:00pm - 10:00pm CST.